Tuesday, July 7, 2009

I'm not dead yet

Well, it's been quite a weekend. Things are looking up on the dating front, I hope. I'll have more news on that later, I hope.

I've been thinking about some comments that people left. I disagree with some things that were said, and I'd love to explain why. But that seems dangerously close to picking a fight, and I'm not sure I want to get in to that.

But, I do want people to understand how I see things. From what I can tell, I don't have the same perspective on things that most gay guys have. Or at least, most of the visible gay guys. Maybe the ones who agree with me are not as outspoken and in the spotlight. That would make a lot of sense, actually.

So, what to do? How do I explain my take on gay life without picking fights?

When I figure that out, I'll have quite a few more posts to share.

In the meanwhile, I've been working on starting the story of how I realized my sexuality. I'm not really sure how much detail to include, though. There are a lot of details that don't actually impact the outcome, but contribute a lot to the story as a whole. I haven't heard many other people's coming out stories, so I don't have much inspiration.


  1. the great thing about blogging is that you get to post things that you might not be able to say out loud. Try not to worry to much about picking fights because all of us have different perspectives on life and most of us in blog land respect everyone right to their own opinion. All those that would leave negative comments are the ones being disrespective of your feelings love and hugs

  2. Maybe you could put the little details into small paragraphs instead of including them in the larger story.

    I find it intresting to read how diffrent ppl think about "the gay thing", because it is very diffrent depending on where you are in life; age, generation, religion, coming out, being out, country, city, relationship status etc. All these things changes and along with it your perspective will change. For you writing this down will help you see other sides to it. I think I read the comment you referred to and he's kinda right about what he wrote, but that doesn't change your that this is the way you see it right now given your place in life etc. In a year you might see things diffrently!

    Write what you want and remember that the comments usually says more about the person that wrote them than they say about you.

  3. Don't worry about "picking fights." It's your blog , and you're entitled to your opinions, and you're entitled to tell commenters why you disagree with them if you do. Obviously, you don't want to be nasty or snide about it, but there has to be room for honest and courteous discussion.

  4. Good comments all.

    I guess I'm still used to the LiveJournal community, where I keep my personal blog. Comments there tend to be pretty person since it's not nearly as anonymous. I think I made the right choice in doing this blog in the Blogger community.
