What I didn't intend to do was use this blog as a support network. I have my real-life friends for that; they may not always understand perfectly but we're close and they care about me. What I wanted to do here was record things that happened in my gay life, so that others could enjoy the stories, or maybe even learn from them, but I've been trying to mostly write about things after the fact, and avoid turning this into an emotionally-charged journal.
With that said...
I went to see a psychologist last week. Some things had happened that left me feeling pretty depressed and directionless, and after talking to a couple people I realized I had no idea what to do and needed some help. So I went to school and went to the counseling center to meet with someone.
The funny thing is, I don't mind telling my real-life friends this, but I almost want to hide it from you on this blog. I feel like I've just started this blog and now I'm talking about how I'm getting counseling, surely it must make it look like I'm much more screwed up than I am. Whereas my real-life friends know that I'm normally quite well-adjusted, I've just been having a hard time with some of these gay things.
Anyway, the counselor said they will probably suggest group therapy. I'm not really comfortable with that idea, but intellectually I know it's probably exactly what I need and so I'll give it a try. (Ironically, the fact that I'm not comfortable lumping myself with a group of gay grad students sort of proves that I belong in the group.)
I'm not really sure what to do with this blog now. I'm sort of putting dating and hooking up on hold for now, since I've sort of realized that I'm not quite prepared to go about it on my own yet. I don't know if I should blog about what I learn from group therapy. Maybe there are people there who could really be helped by hearing it, but since I currently have 11 people following this blog I have a hard time judging what they would want to hear. And more to the point, anyone who's helped by hearing what I'm going through in therapy probably should consider being in therapy themselves, so I'm really not sure what the point would be. I wasn't planning on using this blog for working out my issues.